National Garlic Day is actually on April 19. However, for me, everyday is garlic day! If you have read many of my posts, you know that there is no chance that I will ever have to fend off or risk falling madly in love with a vampire because garlic is coursing through my veins. After a visit to the farmer’s market last weekend, I ended up with a huge bag of garlic scapes (purchased simply because I couldn’t resist the smell) that I had no idea what to do with. So after some researching, I decided to try my variations of pickled garlic scapes and garlic scape pesto. I also needed to replenish my roasted garlic supply, so my kitchen smells absolutely incredible this afternoon!!
If you haven’t roasted garlic before, check out my post on garlic. I always keep roasted garlic on hand by storing it in a little olive oil in the refrigerator. I use it in recipes, as a spread on crackers and croutons, or sometimes just eat it right out of the container!
Scapes, however, were new to me to use. The scape is the curling top of the garlic plant and is as edible as the bulb. They are similar to green onion, only they are solid all the way through on the lower portion and have a garlic flavor. They can be used raw or cooked in pasta, salads, dips, etc. I chopped one and used it in a salad and it was very flavorful. Because I knew I couldn’t eat the entire bag before they would go bad, I searched for ways to use them that would also preserve them so I didn’t have to include garlic scapes in every meal for the next couple weeks.
Pickled Garlic Scapes
Garlic Scape Pesto
About 1 pound garlic scapes, cut into pieces
1 1/4 C grated Parmesan cheese
2-3 T pine nuts (optional)
1 T fresh lemon juice
Olive Oil
fresh ground pepper, kosher salt and sugar to taste
Cut the scapes into pieces and put into a food processor. Add the Parmesan cheese, lemon juice and pepper. Blend until finely chopped and mixed.
Slowly drizzle the olive oil into the processor while it is on low until the pesto becomes the consistency you desire. Taste and add more lemon juice or salt and sugar as needed, a small amount at a time.
Pesto can be used as an appetizer, on sandwiches, in pasta dishes and on meats. It also freezes well. I hope you enjoy this new use for garlic!
I spread the pesto on grilled pizza dough and topped it with mushrooms and mozzarella cheese. It made a very tasty grilled garlic cheese bread. Let me know what you use your pesto for!??!
Now you are humming that song while you read this, or are so young that you are having to Google it!! I am so incredibly behind on my planting this year! I typically get my flowers and garden planted just after Mother’s Day. In the part of the universe I live in, that is when we can be fairly confident that it won’t frost or even snow anymore. But, here I am nearly a month late…the herbs that I had moved indoors for the winter were looking distressed and begging for fresh air and sunshine. So, I set out to the local greenhouses in search of a few more herbs and some vegetable plants, along with some hanging baskets to adorn my very un-springlike looking porch. What I find is very disheartening (as you can see from the photos!). Slim pickings and some real question about whether what’s left is even salvageable.
However, I am determined. The one positive is that the plants are cheap. The owner at one local greenhouse said he’d actually just give me the herbs I wanted, but his wife would kill him. I walked away with four slightly wilted but fairly large herb starts for a single dollar bill and a smile. Feeling confident that I have just enough of a green thumb to rescue these poor plants, I gathered my tools and got my container garden planted.
Container Garden Tips
Here’s a few tips for container gardens that should have you harvesting fresh herbs and veggies all summer:
- Use good dirt. Now, that doesn’t mean that you have to invest big dollars in the highest quality bag of soil you can find. In fact, I use the dirt left from the years before with a little extra added when needed. It does mean though that the soil should be free from weeds, sticks and whatever those maple tree seed pod whirly-gig things are actually called. I am also sure to clean out any bunches of dead roots that are left from the prior years plants.
- Feed the plants. I get an inexpensive slow release plant food and weed killer that you just sprinkle in the dirt. I dampen the soil and then use a hand shovel to mix in the food. I have also heard that a little bit a coffee grounds and crushed egg shells can give the soil the nutrients it needs.
- Don’t crowd the containers. You want to leave room for the roots to spread and the plant to grow, and you don’t want the plants competing for food, water and sun.
- Speaking of sun, be sure to note how much your plants can handle. Most herbs need or can handle partial to full sunlight. The pepper plants and tomato plants I get are also good with quite a bit of sun. My container garden is on the south side of my house and not shaded.
- The biggest key to growing a great container garden is watering. Be sure that you have a drainage system so the roots don’t rot. Holes in the container along with rocks under the soil work well. Most herbs need to be in damp soil at all times. Depending upon the weather, I typically water once to twice a day. I am certain to water early in the morning and in the evening to avoid the direct heat and sun of the day.
- Protect from bugs. There are a wide variety of six legged creatures that like to inhabit my garden and munch on my plants, so I get an organic spray that I put on once a week that keeps the bugs off but is safe for plants that will be consumed.